Great Republic — Golden Windjammer
For one year, the Mariners can bask in the glory of winning the Great Republic. The team in the picture were incredibly organized and had trained hard – very hard. However, the formation of that team did not start in February. Those Mariners started out as neophytes. They began as pogeys with prior years of training as Mariner Juniors or youth members of Westwind or the yacht clubs. In some instances, they started as 11th graders with no prior boating experience. Neophytes with one common desire. They were willing to devote a part of their very active lives to learning maritime skills. Along the way they developed leadership skills, life skills and enduring friendships.
John Fellner, their advisor is in the picture. John was constantly available for advice. He was nearby for most of their practices.  John did not earn the Great Republic. John was not their coach. In the Mariner way, these 13 youths charted their own course, acquired their own resources, made their own decisions, developed their own chain of command. Look at the picture. They all possess strong personalities. Yet they chose to follow the leadership of Boatswain Kaden Calliendo. They formed subgroups to better train for the wide range of topics tested in a Sea Scout competition. They overcame the temptation to goof off at critical junctures. They accepted the leadership and direction of their peers
So what was the result?
If a picture tells a thousand words, the answer to the question is in their faces.
Wednesday night, I spoke of three 4 letter words that I offered for you to use.
Free Your ability to choose is fairly unfettered. As you grow older, this ability becomes ever greater.
Self Your life is yours to plan and live. You must develop and protect your self.
Love Your relation to others can, if you choose, be one of embracing the well being of others
Only you can decide.
You are free to choose either self and love or self or love
You are a Mariner. You are on a team. If every member of your team chooses self and love, preparation and participation at Rendezvous will be a joy. If you or some of your team members choose self or love, the drama will impede or destroy your endeavor.
My exhortation is: choose life and love!
Good Luck
